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Freecad basics
PDF script and packages of files
PDF file
Packages of files
Freecad environment
Navigation (4:45)
Panels and toolbars (2:50)
Parts - properties, shifts, rotations (7:28)
Settings and preferences (6:12)
Sketcher workbench
Sketcher creating, editing and mapping sketches (6:01)
Sketcher geometries (11:38)
Sketcher constraints (23:42)
Sketcher tools (13:23)
Sketcher examples (7:24)
Part Design workbench
Part Design 1 (7:41)
Part Design 2 (5:12)
Part Design 3 (5:57)
Part Design 4 (10:43)
Part workbench
Part primitives (13:29)
Part tools (26:19)
Part boolean (8:51)
Part measure (2:01)
Draft workbench
Draft creation tools (22:33)
Draft modification tools (31:54)
Draft snap (11:05)
Draft working plane, construction mode (5:25)
Drawing workbench
Drawing workbench (11:19)
Additional workbenches
Drawing Dimensioning workbench (6:15)
Assembly 2 workbench (11:06)
Office bin (4:40)
Soap dish (5:23)
Glass cup (5:24)
Changes and additional features in version 0.17
General changes (9:19)
Sketcher (15:18)
Part Design (36:26)
Part (5:20)
Draft (8:46)
Sketcher constraints
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